"Light of the Vortex" Shirt

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Inspired by local folklore from the Wichita Beat Generation

 • 2-Color Screen Print
 • Black Gildan Heavy Cotton Tee
 • Unisex Fit
 • 5.3 ounces
 • Pre-shrunk 100% cotton

"The park was a sacred grove. In the moonlight I saw curling traceries across the dark grass of the clearing, and was drawn downward into a swirling grassy vortex. At the center of the Vortex, the whirlwind, was a translucent window into the earth, and a pale, luminous face looked upward, a hand against the window bracing the unseen form — eyes transfixed and locked in a passionless and eternal vision." - Lee Streiff

“The VORTEX myth was based on the concept that we (Eric Ecklor, Loren Frickel, Lee Streiff, Bruce Conner, Jack Morrison, Michael McClure in specific and the residents of Wichita in general) were held captive as outlaws of another planet. We were deposited annually in Wichita and endowed with fabricated memories at the time of the WU Homecoming game. WE could never leave Wichita. All outside of Wichita was an illusion of the VORTEX. No matter how hard one might try, the Vortex would snap you back to Wichita where we were eternally trapped. I first heard this comic myth from McClure, Morrison and Ecklor. It was elaborated into great detail over the next couple of years and was referred to when many of us had moved to San Francisco.... somehow we had not really eluded the force of the VORTEX and we were in actual fact deceived by mind altering rays from the enemy from outer space." - Bruce Conner

Read more about the origins of the Wichita Vortex at the link below.
"The Beat Vortex" by Lee Streiff